GSK Production
At GSK Production, we understand the Internet and its "Buzziness". As early as the year 2000, we were advocating that the Internet will soon become the world's number one media.

Since our company's inception we have been addressing the key issue of content dedicated to the Internet, the brand content, to allow brands to develop a successful strategy in the digital revolution.

At GSK Production, we are convinced that efficient brand content will necessarily involve an original production aimed at your targeted audience. This is what we do, original productions that could be broadcasted on all media but primarily on the Internet. Your involvement in this new world of digital communication will generate instant recognition within the Internet community for your company.

Our main product is the series, from drama to action to romance or comedy. We enjoy a strong creative and realization team and extremely talented design and development professionals.

Apart from series, we can deliver all your needs and wishes on the Internet, from a simple to an extremely sophisticated website involved in e-commerce. Our expertise is known for tailored CRM and data base management.

Please, feel free to contact us, we would love to work with you. Our technical skills, marketing and communication's experiences and our creative team will help boost your digital image.